Fiverr “Submit offer” problem. Are you unable to create individual offers to customers? Nothing happens when I click the submit offer button on Fiverr; why? How do I solve the Submit problem on Fiverr? I try to create a custom offer on Fiverr, but when I click Submit, nothing happens?
Can’t send a custom offer in Fiverr?
Are you unable to send a customized offer to a buyer on Fiverr? Does nothing happen when you click the “Submit offer” button in Fivver? This is quite annoying, and many users experience and report this problem, yet it persists year after year. Switching browsers usually do not solve this problem. The general solution to all problems – restarting the computer – may work for you, but probably not in this case. The reasons may vary, but here below are the leading solutions to this Fiverr problem.

Solutions to the Fiverr submit problem:
- Remember to write something in the text box at the top.
- Delete cookies and caches in your browser, close it and reopen it.
- Download the Fiverr app and create a custom offer from there instead (tried this myself, and it solved the submit-offer-problem)
- Your rating is too low; if it drops under 90% sellers are more prone to experience this problem with sending custom offers.
- Don’t forget to set a price in the middle to the right 😉
- Avoid using special characters or other native symbols like diacritical marks (for instance: “Estaría”, “Costaría”) when sending custom offers (This is a well-known Fiverr FUBAR).
- Don’t send the same custom offer to many clients; this will be trapped by Fiverr’s SPAM detection and your risk losing your account.
Fiverr’s Custom Offers make it easier to expand your Fiverr business and go beyond the standard Gig-offerings. When an interested client contact you don’t just send the link to your Gig page, but offer them a personalized Gig instead. This is called “Custom offer” on Fiverr. This enables you to set and specify all the requirements, delivery time, and any add-ons specially adapted to this specific client. You can even send Fiverr offers to someone not currently using Fiverr with “Fiverr Anywhere“. This greatly enhances your reach and market potential. According to Fiverr statistics, a custom offer is, on average, 484% higher for the seller, and the order value (AOV) is 380% higher compared to standard Gigs.
How to create a custom offer in Fiverr
Custom Offers allow sellers to offer their services to buyers in a more customized manner with an individually adapted price and with targeted add-ons.

This is how you send an offer in Fiverr:
- Once logged in, from the main menu, click Messages > Inbox, and then click See All in Inbox.
- Open a message within the list.
- Click Create an Offer.
- Note: You may also create an offer in Selling > Buyer Requests.
- If you have more than one Gig, select an existing Gig to offer
- Note: You can click Select Gig Packages and pre-populate your offer with an existing Gig package. After the details are entered, you can customize them to cater to the specific buyer.
- Describe your offer by including all the necessary details.
- Select whether you would like to deliver in one delivery or with Milestones (only orders > 100 USD). For more information, see Working with Milestones.
- Add the number of revisions you offer and the expiration time for your offer (optional).
- If you already received all the required information, you can disable the Ask for Gig Requirements. As a result, once the buyer accepts your Custom Offer, the order will start automatically.
- Define the offer scope by selecting criteria relevant to your Gig.
- Click Submit Offer.
Generate custom offer in Fiverr
Another way to create custom offers in Fiverr, rather than just using the “Create an offer” button when replying to a potential buyer, is to go through the main menu at the top of the page. Make sure you have switched your profile to “Seller” at the top right of the screen. Then click on “More” and then “Scale Your Business” (previously known as “Promote Yourself”).
But unfortunately, in my Fiverr account neither i could find and access Selling>buyer request options nor find the create a custom offer options; it seems those options/features are not present in my account.